Diversity & Inclusion
It is important that your employees develop their own awareness of, and sensitivity to, the wide variety of people that surround them on a daily basis. Teach your staff to communicate and interact effectively with co-workers whose background, culture, or personality may be different from their own and how exclusionary, disrespectful, and unprofessional behaviors can violate your organizational policies and even the law with Elevate’s Diversity & Inclusion seminars.
Diversity & Inclusion Courses Offered
Our world is far more connected than it used to be – and this means that businesses and organizations must change the way they operate. For example, workplaces are more diverse, there are more teams working remotely, and businesses sell to people from all over the world. Because of this, it is important for people in organizations to be able to communicate with people from other cultures. In this training, you will learn how to communicate and leverage the full potential of diverse teams and colleagues in your workplace.
An ally is a member of the advantaged social group who takes a stand against social injustice directed at targeted. An ally works to be an agent of social change rather than an agent of
oppression. Elevate’s Becoming an Ally: How to Turn Intentions into Action training will help members of advantaged social groups create space to raise concerns, interrupt behavior, or question conventional practices that fail to respect diversity and inclusion.
Elevate’s Workplace Civility is about the desire for employers, employees, and coworkers to treat each other with dignity and with respect. When staff members believe that employers and coworkers promote respect in the workplace, they will do the same in return. People admire those who show good qualities and capabilities, and they believe they are worthy of their regard and admiration. Participants will learn techniques to demonstrate those qualities by acting in ways that show they are aware of their colleagues as people who deserve respect. As such, staff members recognize that they have rights, opinions, wishes, experience, and competence.
The main challenge with any large diverse workforce, agency, or organization that deals with the public good is cultivating a genuine culture of respect among its internal and external stakeholders based on a single unifying DEIA framework. Creating this culture requires an understanding of bias, diversity, and equality and the subtle ways they must be addressed to ensure a fair administration of access and justice, build impactful agency results, and generate meaningful positive change. Anti-racism is not just a conceptual value; it is a concrete goal that will only be achieved when operationalized via practical strategies. Using a five-phase work plan, Elevate will work with an appointed DEI advisory council to develop an all-encompassing strategic framework that encourages change within your organization’s current DEI practices.
Achieving Racial Equity in the Workplace will be one of the most important issues that companies will tackle in the coming decade. To move toward racial equity, organizational culture must change from traditional, often failed, diversity training and take a holistic approach that prioritizes the human experience at all levels. People need the ability to work with the dignity of having their histories acknowledged and their life experience valued. Only then will companies be able to recruit and retain the thriving, diverse workforce that leaders and customers want — and need — in the next decade, and beyond. In this very important and inspiring three-part series, we will guide your through the topics or understanding cultural differences, understanding unconscious biases and having the conversation with your employees so your organization can achieve racial equity in today’s workplace.
A 3-part program designed to unite your workforce through the inclusion of all cultures & levels. Diversity, equity, & inclusion will be one of the most important issues that companies will tackle in the coming decade. Elevate’s groundbreaking program Uniting Diversity in the Workplace will guide you and your staff through the steps needed to develop a comprehensive DE&I program that will build trust, instill confidence, and create unity for the most diverse workforce in history. We will cover where to start, what to do, and how to do it. We will give you the skills to start sending a cohesive message that will help soften difficult conversations and decisions. This course is focused on finding similarities rather than differences, and how to empower your organization to develop solutions that are easily implemented. Prepare yourself and your workforce to meet every challenge by embracing diversity to include a broader vision for a brighter future.
This course will provide easy-to-use techniques for communicating across cultures, building teams, and leveraging our divergent talent pool. Our culture defines many aspects of how we think, feel, and act. It can be challenging for managers to bridge cultural differences and bring employees together into a functioning team.
In this dynamic program, your employees will develop their own awareness of sensitivity to the wide variety of people that surround them every day. A crucial aspect of the success of this program would be the understanding that diversity goes beyond the superficial and biases can be both explicit and implicit. Your staff will uncover unconscious bias and become aware of their own personal barriers to communicate and interact effectively with co-workers whose background, culture, or personality may be different than their own. The result is a more harmonious and enjoyable work environment for all.
In today’s workplace you need to interact across generational lines. People younger than you may hold positions of power or compete for the same promotion. There are now five generations working together, each with a radically different way of communicating and completing tasks. This training shows you how to get along and thrive amongst coworkers in different age groups.
The purpose of this block of instruction is to help participants understand the supervisor’s role in the hiring process, the essence and importance of having diversity on a team, and the many factors that motivate different employees. This course includes hiring options available to supervisors when filling positions, strategies for developing effective behavioral-based interview questions and recognizing inappropriate ones, and the various forms of recognition, rewards, and quality of work-life (QWL) initiatives that are available to employees.
Success in today’s business climate depends on several components. One of them is organizational culture, and the individual cultures of the employees of an organization. Since culture defines many aspects of how we think, feel, and act, it can be challenging for organizations to bridge cultural differences and bring employees together into a functioning team. Culture also influences people’s biases—those both implicit and explicit in nature. This 2-part series includes an optional facilitated debrief.
Series Offered
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