Health & Human Services
With a mission to foster and deepen connections within the communities we serve, Elevate’s Health & Human Services seminars provide participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to meet an authentic community-identified need. These programs protect the health of Americans and provide essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves.
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Health & Human Service Catalog
With a mission to foster and deepen connections within the communities we serve, Elevate’s Health & Human Services seminars provide participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to meet an authentic community-identified need. These programs protect the health of Americans and provide essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves.
A city-wide solution for Human Services Professionals
At Elevate, we are committed to providing access to the learning and the resources to help fuel compassion and understanding for those who work with the most vulnerable members of our communities. Our training programs equip employees with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to provide the highest quality of service in the most effective way. When everyone has access to reliable information and tools for ethical decision-making, everyone benefits: clients, staff, and organizations alike.
Health & Human Service Courses Offered
Elevate’s Addressing the Needs of Domestic Violence Survivors serves as an informational guide for Shelter Social Service Support Teams to help them understand what domestic violence is, and provide and advocate for the needs of victims of domestic violence including sex trafficking. Participants will walk away with tips for identifying and engaging victims and discussion of services victims need for healing, receiving services from domestic violence shelters, and reintegration into mainstream society. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
In Elevate’s Adopting Housing First seminar, participants will get an overview of what a Housing First approach looks like. They will walk away with a better understanding of the philosophy and general rules of the program and best practices for success. Learners will walk away with a better understanding of the fundamental principles and components of Housing First. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
In Elevate’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) & Reasonable Accommodations, participants will get an overview of The Americans with Disabilities Act. They will also learn the different reasonable accommodations employers must provide, how to engage with the individual to identify the accommodations, and how individuals with disabilities can advocate for themselves. Learners will walk away with a better understanding of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Reasonable Accommodations to be provided. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
Using the Assertive Engagement philosophy, participants will learn how communication and behavior impacts others. They will gain confidence and develop assertive communication to speak up when appropriate for smoother conversations when discussing uncomfortable situations. Learners will walk away with tools to communicate in a direct and respectful manner in all situations. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
In Elevate’s Boundaries & Confidentiality training, participants will learn the fundamentals of why professional boundaries and confidentiality are vital in social care work. Working with difficult issues can also be very stressful and draining work, and professional boundaries help us to manage ourselves and our emotions. Learners will walk away with a fundamental understanding of why professional boundaries are important and their responsibility to keep confidential the things that might damage or disenfranchise their clients. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
A clinical case manager handles aspects of a patient’s medical care. Some people in this career are nurses who specialize in admittance and discharge of patients, as well as making cost assessment decisions. Others are in the social work field where their duties are to help clients work through mental health issues, such as substance abuse and psychiatric episodes. This course is designed to teach case managers the core components of clinical case management and how to document effective cases written to get results.
Elevate’s Conflict Resolution & Non-Coercive Approaches to Conflict Management seminar is designed to teach participants how to effectively communicate and satisfactorily resolve disputes in a way that expands people’s awareness and understanding of how to achieve their goals without undermining others. Learners will walk away with a better understanding of conflict resolution and will leave with practical application tools to respond to and manage conflict as it applies to their work. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit, asexual, and ally. (LBGTQIA) individuals still face extensive discrimination and prejudice in society. Professionals are called to affirm clients’ ability to integrate their sexual identity in healthy ways into their personal recovery, as well as support LGBT-inclusivity in the larger community. This 3 Day program provides information and strategies designed to promote the provision of culturally competent and appropriate addiction treatment, prevention, and mental health care to LBGT individuals. It will review knowledge, skills, and beliefs about sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression that have been identified to be essential in providing LBGTQIA affirmative services.
In Elevate’s Creating Safe Spaces: LGBTQ+ Youth Cultural Competency training, participants will learn best practices to understanding needs, promoting trust, and showcasing a safe space for LGBTQ+ youths with-in the homeless community as laid out in the amended Homeless Services Reform Act of 2005. Learners will walk away with techniques to respond to the unique issues surrounding the LGBTQ+ community and how to become an ally. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
Elevate’s Crisis Intervention & Non-Violent Crisis Intervention is designed to teach participants how to effectively avert and handle a crisis. Using theory and practical application participants will learn strategies and techniques to recognize and de-escalate a crisis without the use of coercion. Learners will walk away with a better understanding and foundational skills to respond to and identify crisis situations. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
In Elevate’s Critical Time Intervention (CTI) training, participants will learn the fundamentals of Critical Time Intervention. They will learn skills to help them collaborate and communicate with individuals to create a solid plan for critical transitions. Learners will walk away with a better understanding of how to develop and implement a Critical Time Intervention plan. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
The main challenge with any diverse workforce is cultivating a genuine culture of respect among its members. In Elevate’s Cultural Competency seminar, participants will learn to create this culture with an understanding of diversity, its benefits, and the subtle ways it can be disrupted which can lead to unnecessary conflicts, reduced outcomes, and diminished success. A diverse culture is an asset that can lead to a more engaged workforce and a positive outlook for employees and managers that welcomes differing perspectives.
Participants will learn the fundamentals of Emergency Preparedness in relation to their work and current events. They will learn best practices on how to develop a plan, how to prepare and train for emergencies and the hazards to be aware of when an emergency occurs. Learners will walk away with a better understanding of how to develop and implement an Emergency Plan. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
This course has been designed to provide management and employees with a better understanding of what EEO is and the laws, regulations and policies relating to the fair treatment of employees.
The Fair Housing Act of 1968 “It is the Policy of the United States to Provide, within Constitutional limitations, for fair housing throughout the United States.” – 42 U.S.C § 3601. In Elevate’s Fair Housing training, participants will learn to recognize housing discrimination, when their rights and the rights of others are being violated, and how to help put a stop to unfair housing practices. Learners will walk away with a better understanding of how to identify housing discrimination, and the steps to follow to report unfair housing practices. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
In Elevate’s Financial Literacy training, participants will gain a new perspective about money strengths and weaknesses, how to prioritize spending, manage liability and assets and set aside enough for an emergency. Learners will walk away with the tools to create a personal budgeting plan and a better understanding of how money works. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
In Elevate’s Financial Management & Contracts / Grants Administration training, participants will learn the basic concepts of finance, accounting, and contracts; understand the complex world of budgeting; and learn to negotiate with vendors. Learners will walk away with tools to understand the basics of budget, planning, and resource management. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
In Elevate’s HIPAA training, participants will learn general information about HIPAA. Using several scenarios for discussion participants will learn general information about what HIPAA really is and how to be compliant with the rules. Learners will walk away with a fundamental understanding of what they can and cannot do or say when dealing with situations that involve HIPPA compliance. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
In Elevate’s Housing Based Case Management training, participants will learn the fundamentals and best practices for housing-based case management. They will be able to bridge the gap between the philosophy of why housing is important and how to provide effective case management. Learners will walk away with a better understanding of Housing Based Case Management and best practices to be effective and successful. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
In Elevate’s Housing Quality Standards training, participants will learn the Housing Urban Development’s (HUD) Housing Quality Standards, it’s inspection process and how they are enforced. Learners will walk away with a better understanding of HUD’s Housing Quality Standards. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
Elevate’s Landlord and Tenant Rights/Responsibilities seminar provides a step-by-step process on how to handle housing code issues in the rental unit. Using several scenarios for discussion participants will learn general information about the different Landlord/Tennant Rights and Responsibilities is and how to be compliant with the rules. Learners will walk away with a better understanding of the rights and responsibilities of a Landlord and Tenant in both a private owned and public subsidized housing unit. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
This course is designed to teach case managers how to help individuals overcome barriers by learning important life skills. Life skills training promotes independence and builds confidence that will aid in sustaining independence.
Elevate’s Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Certification program uses role-playing and simulations to demonstrate how to offer initial help in a mental health crisis and connect persons to the appropriate professional, peer, social, and self-help care. The program also teaches the common risk factors and warning signs of specific types of illnesses. This course is eligible for 6.5 CEU credit hours.
Elevate’s Mental Health First Aid & Triage program is designed to provide an overview of mental health (including addiction) issues for staff so they can recognize and become more aware of their client’s mental health needs to triage and referral of services. Participants will learn how the impact of trauma can affect a client’s mental health status and provide participants with an understanding of mental health within the framework of homelessness. Participants will engage in small-group activities using case studies, sharing of best practices, and a gamification approach to the assessment of mental health issues. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
In Elevate’s Motivational Interviewing seminar, participants will learn about facilitating open communication, understanding people and how to communicate with emotional intelligence and effective listening skills. This course will teach participants the skills needed to prepare for an interview, the dos and don’ts of questioning, and how to handle interviews in tense or conflict situations. Learners will have the skills needed to conduct effective and successful interviews that will guide the client to the desired outcomes. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
In Elevate’s Sex Trafficking of Minor, Youth & Adults workshop, participants will learn the extent of the Sex Trafficking problem and the impact this type of trauma has on victims. This training provides best practices for identifying and engaging victims, discussion of services victims need for healing, services received at homeless shelters and reintegration into mainstream society. Participants will learn common terms used to discuss the topic and have a better understanding of the issues of Sex Trafficking according to a philosophy that promotes a victim centered approach. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
Elevate’s SOAR Certification program is the Social Security Insurance/Social Security and Disability Insurance Outreach Access and Recovery (SOAR) Certification training for Case Management Staff. SOAR is a three (3) day training course for Case Managers. To become certified in SOAR, you must register, attend all three dates and successfully pass required modules. Upon successful completion of the Practice Case component of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion and 20 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from the National Association of Social Workers (NASW).
In Elevate’s Stages of Change seminar, participants will learn the 5 Stages of Change which describes the series of stages we go through to change our lifestyle habits and how to use this model in their personal and professional life. Learners will walk away with tools to use the model to help others develop a better lifestyle. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
Participants of Elevate’s Suicide Risk Assessment and Prevention training will gain the skills necessary to assess risk and have the confidence to use the information to provide a safe environment for at risk persons. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours. Disclaimer: Information during this presentation is for awareness and educational purposes only – it is not a substitute for informed medical advice or training. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a mental health problem without consulting a qualified professional/provider.
In Elevate’s Trauma Informed Care training, participants will learn to bridge the gap between practice (service delivery) and philosophy (trauma theory, empowerment, and relational theory). We identify principles that define trauma-informed service, discuss the need for this type of service, and give some characteristics of trauma-informed services in human service areas. Learners will walk away with a better understanding of how trauma affects people and best practices to be effective and successful. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
In Elevate’s Understanding Special Needs training, participants will learn general information about what the ADA classifies as special needs and protected classes, and the impact of ADA rulings on case managers and their clients. Learners will walk away with a better understanding of ADA rules for people with special needs. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
Critical Incident and Unusual Incident Reports are used to report any unusual incident and actions taken by Employees, Contractors, Subcontractors and Volunteer at your program. Learners will walk away with a better understanding of how to react to a critical or unusual incident and the steps necessary to file the proper report. This course is eligible for 3 CEU credit hours.
Ready to elevate your workforce?
We are here to help your team RISE to the top with any of our 200+ topics that can be tailored to your organization’s specifications and needs. Let us determine the best course of action to enhance your workforce on all levels with any of our on-site, virtual, and LMS learning options. Elevate BDG also provides a host of coaching, mentoring, data analysis, assessment, and consulting solutions.